Meet the Indigo Children, Indigo Adults, Crystals and Rainbows

Rainbow Children Indigo childrenI have been asked to write more on the Indigo people. I personally fit almost literally all traits from Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. Labels are hard to put on anything, especially people. So I would like to share some information on what the Indigo is said to be. Although I don’t love the idea of labeling anyone, here is what the term means for the most part. So if you are Indigo, perhaps evolving to Rainbow is the way in which we can best affect the world in this time of upliftment. Where we come to spread the goodness of Unconditional Love.

Keep in mind there are many different labels given to many groups of people, and so the lists are always growing and we find more and more categories of labels we fall into, at least I do, however while falling into labels, the labels tend to be of “unique” individuals. Kind of an oxymoron, or better yet a paradox.

The well developed Indigo is said to transform into Rainbow Children and Adults.  The Rainbows are able to avoid the influence of negativity emitting from others and they can change aura colors with thoughts.  It is said that there is a DNA shift to Rainbow and the frontal lobe is extended for faster processing. These Rainbow beings have the memories of other times, places and abilities. They are able to affect the world, rather than be affected. They have come to a point of ability and have become masters at their task.

Not all ADD, ADHD, or depressed individual is an Indigo or Rainbow. Indigos are not generally disruptive. If their emotional make-up becomes this way and also abusive (hurtful, violent and unbelievably defiant), they could really be chemically imbalanced.  These children’s tendencies lean more towards manic-depression. They can be seen by doctors and treated for a variety of other issues. Learning disabilities stem from many factors and are not necessarily Indigo or Rainbow related.

Adult Indigo Traits:

Contributed by: Wendy Chapman and Michele Alexandria (Please give them the credit for the following list.) This is just a part of some of the traits of Indigo Adults. You can include those traits of the Indigo Child, as well.

You feel abandoned, lost and alone.  You might of felt like, or still feel like, you were dumped off on this planet, left to your own accord, with nothing, or no one, to grasp or hold on to.
– You feel like no one “gets” or understands who you are.
– You feel abandoned by God, your parents and society.
– YOU’VE BEEN TOLD YOU ARE CRAZY!  Probably more than once.  (By the way, you’re not! )
– Being abandoned or alone might be a challenging fear for you.
– Feel like a freak and are tired of people treated you as one.
– Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.
– You are “tuned in”.  You “get it” and you’re not sure why others don’t!
– Are highly creative in the arts, music and/or literature.
– Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.
– Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.
– Have a difficult time with people who are out of integrity and dishonest.
– Feel overly responsible and heavily burdoned by societies perceived lack of care and concern with the well-being of the world.
– Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn’t DARE, usually due to parental pressure. Many of you were rather repulsed by school and the old antiquated system.  – – You felt you knew better and where bored and frustrated.
– May have experienced deep depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings, while in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult. Felt disconnected and beaten down.
– Drug/alcohol abuse is not uncommon to numb the internal emotional and Spiritual pain.
– Easily disorganized and may have excessive clutter and are not able to handle it, due to your lack of focus.
– Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.
– Can go from job to job to job.  Have a challege staying in one place for too long.  Your resume can look like a short novel.
– Easily bored and frustrated.
– Easily distracted
– You are eaily susceptible to lower energies attaching themselves to you.  (non-physical beings) They are like moths to Light. (There are techniques to sheild you from this, one is a cord cutting technique)
– Prefer cooperative efforts, leadership positions, or working alone.
– Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.
– May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding), or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
– You are empathic and it’s challenging for you to block it out.
– May have trouble with anger and RAGE.
– Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective i.e. political, educational, medical, and legal.
– Alienation from or anger with politics – feeling your voice won’t count and that the outcome really doesn’t matter.
– Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream – 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.
– Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at “Big Brother watching you.”
– They feel a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.
– Money does not hold a lot of importance to you.  You know how to attain it, but you find the concept of money to be irrelevant and ego driven.
– You have a innate ability to manifest whatever you desire.
– Had psychic or spiritual interest when you were young- in or before teen years.
– Had few if any Indigo role models.
– Feel like you have one foot in this world and one in “The Other”.
– Have a strong intuition.
– Random behavior pattern or mind style – (be labeled with symptoms of ADD and ADHD, bi-polar, OCD), may have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.
– Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.
– May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning (especially with computers), and lights blowing out
– May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.
– Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternate types of sexuality.
– Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world; may seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.
If they find balance in their lives, they can become very strong, vibrant, healthy, and happy individuals who use their Love and Light to be of the highest and best service for all concerned.

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Indigos have a love of fantasy and castles.  Dragons, fairies, mermaids, unicorns and the likes of these creatures… these REAL-TO-US beings, may  be our spirit guides. You must be “pure of heart” to see a unicorn. Well I have when I was young, and she stays with me forever. Pure of heart does not always mean “virgin of sex” keep in mind that an adult may see this creature should she be your guide, if you are One with the Heart of God, the purest Heart of all.

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Indigos are defined by the following (amongst other things):

– know their own mind from an early age
– independent & headstrong
– creative
– intuitive and have psychic abilities
– sensitive especially to animals
– easily bored and may be disruptive at school if the teacher does not understand where they are coming from
– highly strung, or tense
– said to have trickled in, in 1970, and most came in 1978 and later (I was born in 1981)
– feels like they have a greater purpose, “here for a reason”, often not sure of the reason
– creative, artistic, art, music, jewelry making, poetry, etc.
– may be prone to addictions
– “old soul” “13 going on 30″
– may have had some difficult years, or harsh experiences
– history of seeing Angels, ghosts, “dead people” (intuitive psychic)
– may be a loner or isolationist, by acting out or introversion
– radiates independence even when asking for money
– athletic warrior-spirits, high energy
– wants to do world-wide affecting positive work, desires to help in a big way
– may fluctuate between low or high self esteem, all the way to grandiosity and back again
– high intelligence
– bores quickly and easily
– needs situations that require creative thought, rather than ritualistic repetition
– won’t deal with certain things, like waiting in line, for example
– non conforming, system busters, sees “better ways of doing things” at work, school and home
– would prefer home schooling unless schooled with like minded Indigos, otherwise school can be a bad social experince
– May have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, but the medication acted more like an illegal drug to them
– the high strung fierceness may involve anger but also the drive and desire to create changes in the world
– may have insomnia, nightmares, restless sleep or fear and difficulty with falling asleep
– may have had suicidal attempts or thoughts, depression
– friendships are sought to be real, deep and long lasting, or non-existent
– easily bonds and connects with plants and animals

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Message from the Indigo Children

Indigo Children Message IndigoTest.orgBeloved brothers and sisters. We bring you warm greetings of love and light. We are the Indigo children of the New Millennium and from time to time we will venture forth to share our needs and concerns with you in this manner. We observe the happenings on the planet and are in communication with our beloved ones who are preparing for their earthly incarnations. We are also gathering with our beloved brothers and sisters who are returning to the realms of light from their sojourn upon the earth plane. They are sharing their experiencing with us and we are eager to learn for embodiment in a physical form is completely new to us. Many of them have been unable to complete the unfolding of their dreams of gifting humanity with their offerings in the fields of art and music and science and medicine. For one reason or another, their time upon the earth plane has been abrupted.

For most, however, their missions were completed and so they returned. And now we are awaiting our appointed hours of incarnation. Their sharing with us and our observance of earth life leads us to want to offer our commentary to you as a means of helping you in your understanding of who we are and why we are incarnating at this time. Also, we wish to assist you in understanding what our needs are and how you can help us for as you have been told already, we are not like you. We are the advent of the sixth root race and as such we know there will be a great clashing between what you call “the establishment” and us. So in the spirit of education and cooperation, let us speak thusly to you.

We note that there is a great deal of discussion taking place now regarding acts of violence in the schools and also among the population at large. Know this, dear ones. Until the world gets our message, these types of events will continue to happen for we cannot live in the structures of society as they now exist. We are incarnating to change them and the status quo. We share your concerns about the unrest in your cities and the potential of wars. What you have accepted and simply lived with all these years we cannot accept. We dream a different dream. We hear a different drumbeat. We heed a different cadence and we answer a different call. We will break your denial of what you have created upon the earth plane.

Before we are through, we will force you to look at everything and see it for what it is. We will mirror to you your creations. As a group our behavior will show you what works for us and what doesn’t. We will afford you abundant opportunities to acknowledge your creations and to take responsibility for them. We will show you what we need to be happy and productive citizens of the world. It is our desire to leave this world in better shape than we found it but we need your cooperation. While it is true that we are young in the years lived upon the earth, do not assume we are ignorant. We carry our wisdom within and simply know things beyond that which you think we should know for our age and experience.

Pay attention to us! The systems of public education that are currently in place around the world are not for us. They are not structured to meet our needs and the challenges of the future. We would say the same about most of the private and religious schools as well. We speak here of both the physical configuration and also the emotional and mental climates of the schools. They serve us not. They are rampant with emotions and devoid of Spirit. We do not function well in the huge schools and large classes. And when we must move from class to class all day, it is very disrupting to our patterns of learning. We become over-stimulated and edgy by all the commotion and cacophony of vibrations playing out around us. Though we may appear calm on the outside, that is merely a facade, a mask we put on so we can interact with others. We cannot learn in this environment. Our needs are best met in small groups with a capable teacher who will be there for us, who can interact with us one on one, who can guide us successfully through our inner turmoil. We learn very quickly in a compatible setting and wish to progress as rapidly as we can. As we become a greater and greater percentage of the population, more and more of us will prefer to be home schooled. Here our environment is familiar and we feel safe. We look at your history and are intrigued with the salons of Plato and Socrates. Many of us would like to try that way of learning.

So we say to you again that the schools as they are now structured do not meet our needs. The setup must change or we will bring about the downfall of the entire system for we will have no need of it. We will use a different methodology for learning. We will evolve into that eventually but in the meantime we seek to open your minds to the problems at hand and to work together to change what we cannot accept. Our potential for advancing the planet is enormous and we are dedicated to that end. Make no mistake or attempt to dismiss us lightly for we are greatly empowered by our Creator. The world may well come to view us collectively as a planetary Pandora’s Box but be not dismayed by this. If we did not love our Creator and all of you so much, we would not have volunteered to serve in this manner. We know that while we will dazzle you with our brilliance, we may also frighten you at times.

Working together in cooperation the fears can be overcome and we can create a continuum of bright and beautiful tomorrows. We love you deeply and are very honored to answer the call to serve you, our Creator and Lady Gaia in the planetary ascension process. We ask you to remember your promises to us, to remember the agreements we made before you incarnated. You promised to be there for us, to love us unconditionally no matter how difficult that may be at times. Remember also that we do not fit into your molds. We implore you to accept this and us.

Let us join together to build a brighter world for all of us. Help us to create wonders not horrors. We will speak to you again at some future time. We are the Indigo children of the New Millennium and we tender you our great love and many many blessings.