Why our Children are being labeled with hyperactivity?

StarseedsMessage from Angelina*
One of our teachers, Angelina, a healing master and elder in Telos, would like to address a question asked regarding the hyperactivity of children on the surface.

I am Angelina, and I wish today to speak to both the children and the adults on the surface regarding hyperactivity and the use of certain drugs to “control” it. Hyperactivity is not understood by your so-called “authorities” on the surface. Much of the hyperactivity demonstrated in this present-day generation of children is in fact their reaction to the overwhelmingly unhealthy environment in which they live. Because of the artificial way of life you have created life on this planet, your precious children are forced to experience constant and abnormal over-stimulation of the pituitary and pineal glands, as well as their physical senses.
Much has been said about diet and exposure to your media of television, music and movies. These are also serious concerns.

The constant bombardment of the senses by the microwave technologies and wave forms that enter your energetic and physical bodies from television sets, cell phones and microwave ovens disrupts the important ongoing transformation of DNA structure that all these children have come to manifest. In your major cities, the disruption is so great that it is a wonder children and adults can function at all. Each day brings a new invasion of your energy structure by man made energies that do not work well with the Divine Flow.
These energies seek instead, by their nature, to invade and overwhelm the very energetic foundation around you. This technology is not dark per se, but the use and/or misuse of it has created much of the darkness and distorted energy patterns that currently affect you and your children. It interferes dramatically with your intrinsic energetic patterns.
It is very important that you assume responsibility for providing as clean an environment as possible for your children to live in, and especially to sleep in. Bedrooms filled with televisions, VCRs, CD systems, cell or electronic phones, electronic clocks, and other such items must be avoided.
Children must be given a clean environment in which to regenerate and restore balance each evening. The level of toxicity in your foods, your building materials and your environment must be addressed and corrected. This situation is not conducive to their maturation and evolution in the manner needed for them to accomplish the goals they came here to manifest.
The build-up of heavy metals in your children’s physical systems is a major contributor to hyperactivity, as well as other nervous and systemic conditions.


Water, clean water, is a daily necessity for these children, as well as for everyone else. In general, the liquids you and your precious children ingest through your mouth daily are harmful to your body and soul. You must work to clean up your water supplies and remove the toxic chemicals, such as fluoride. Those of you who live in cities must filter your water before drinking, and use natural products for bathing that are free of toxic chemicals.
There are many effective natural products currently available to you that will reduce levels of toxicity, rather than the culturally fashionable ones. Use them daily to ensure that every member of your family has a vital life force and a balanced system. You must reduce or eliminate the amount of soda pop, artificial drinks, coffee, alcoholic beverages and other toxic substances that you have become so accustomed to ingesting as part of your daily diet. Pure water still remains the main source of liquid that will assist in rebalancing the body to its natural and healthy state. The solution for children is not to medicate them, but to correct the imbalances created in their bodies by their environment. What is needed to achieve this balance is different for each child. In any healing crisis, each individual has a set of characteristics that requires a unique healing tools. The process of healing should be entered into, in a supportive way by both parents and children together. In many cases, the child may not recognize the hyperactivity, but knows only that he or she is not functioning in a way adults and society expect. Such a situation creates guilt and shame for the child, and it is imperative that this kind of circumstance be avoided.
We are beings who desire balance, and the more a child can be shown how to achieve that balance, the more he will gravitate toward it.


The new children are here to guide us to a greater understanding of what will maintain and balance the energies of the surface at this time. They are here to lead us to a more gentle manner of living and a more heart-centered approach to all relationships, both personal and social.
My first suggestion is to take your children to a healer, or as you call them on the surface, a medical intuitive, who has had experience with children. Ask for a snapshot of your child’s current energetic state, for it is important to remember that the physical symptoms of hyperactivity are simply the body’s reaction to an energetic imbalance. There are many natural methods that can be used to balance your child’s energy bodies. These include herbs, flower essences, exercise, meditation, yoga, chi gong and tai chi. Children will benefit greatly from a mineral rich and balanced diet of good fruits, vegetables, grains and an adequate amount of healthy protein, because growing children in your environment still need sufficient quality protein. Their diet should be a balance of all factors, as should yours, including acid/alkaline mix, natural rather than processed sugar content, vegetable versus animal protein, and sufficient living foods versus dead processed foods. There is also a great deal that can be done energetically through chakra balancing and color and crystal therapies. Toning and drumming are very supportive to the system.
Music therapy is a soothing form of balancing for hyperactive children. Session work, in groups or individually, that involves both verbal and energetic therapy also supports their re-balancing. Creative therapies such as painting, drawing and writing are also very beneficial. Video games and excessive television are not the answer. Children who have incarnated on the surface now are working to re-balance their brain chemistries, their endocrine systems and their physical senses in order to access and run a higher vibration of energy. They have entered into incarnation with a different limbic system than you possess and a clearer perception of what their life force should feel like.
They will rebel against all attempts to force them into a way of being that does not intrinsically resonate with their true divine nature.


They will “short-circuit” at a greater rate than any prior generation if not given a suitable nurturing, calming and supportive environment in which to live. Their need for a true heart-supported community is very strong. The ties they bring with them from communities such as Telos and others will vibrate strongly in their emotional bodies. They must be nurtured properly. They will gain much from group situations where they are invited to participate in community, civic and school activities that allow them to be creative and responsible and interact with people of all ages.
Allowing older children to work with younger children as mentors, and adults with children as guides and muses creates wondrous connections that will open hearts and assist the transformation of the core of your society. In truth, the things that will help your hyperactive children are available all around you, without the assistance of pharmaceutical drugs. You need only make positive changes in your environment and also the children’s. There is no need to drug their systems to control, in a very synthetic manner, behaviors that your society deems inappropriate. It is counter-productive to recognize the symptom but refuse to admit and address the underlying cause. The solution comes from the use of tools and skills that you already have around you to assist your children.

These children are here to give you the opportunity to manifest mutual help and cooperation.


*Text extracted from “Telos- Volume 2: Messages for the Enlightenment
of a Humanity in Transformation”, by Aurelia Louise Jones

Are YOU a Starseed?

Find out if you are a starseed person inside indigotest.orgAre you a Starseed?

Starseeds are beings that have experienced life outside of the universe on other planets and in non-physical dimensions other than the earth, although they may have had previous lifetimes on earth. There are 3 categories of star seeds:

  • Typical Starseed: Had preparation lifetimes and may have lived 5-50 times on this earth.
  • Old Soul Starseed: Has had hundreds of lifetimes on earth, these are our guardians of the earth.
  • New Starseed: Many who have had no lifetimes on earth. These include some of the Crystal and Rainbow Children.

Traits of Starseeds:

  • Difficulty fitting in, not being able to relate to people, an innate loneliness and want to return home.
  • Shy and introverted as a child. They are creative and enjoy spending their time playing make-believe rather than playing with other children.
  • Highly intelligent and inquisitive. Fascination with learning but if they feel the information is mundane, they will tune it out.
  • Often diagnosed with A.D.D. or even Bi-Polar Disorder due to the dramatic mood swings because of their sensitivity to the world around them.
  • Often had imaginary friends and created a fantasy world to explore their own minds.
  • Around the ages of 5-11, they may have experienced a paranormal experience with shadow figures or ghosts.
  • Feel more comfortable communicating and being around animals and nature.
  • Due to their sensitive nature, they often choose careers that involve healing.
  • Have difficulty deciding what to do with their life as nothing on this planet makes sense to them.

Physical Traits of Starseeds:

  • A strange tendency to bruise easily.
  • Strong bodies that heal easily after an injury.
  • Sensitivity to extremes of hot or cold temperatures.
  • Many have very acute hearing and are very sensitive to sound.
  • Eccentric or intense eyes, any color hair with a reddish tint.
  • Have an extreme sensitivity to medicine, alcohol, or drugs with a high risk of dependency. The more awakened the Starseed becomes, the less likely they will become dependent.
  • They are more “night” oriented often staying up late and sleeping in. They feel a sense of peace when night falls.

Do you recognize many of these characteristics? If you have, you may have or be experiencing a Starseed awakening that may make you question if you are losing your mind.

Do not be alarmed as these are the signs that you may be experiencing:

  • Feeling over stressed with an intense energy – Your body is now adjusting to a much higher vibration and slowly will adjust.
  • Feeling disoriented – You are not in 3D anymore and are in the process of moving into higher dimensions.
  • Increased pains or aches in your body – Your body is clearing out any blocked energy, cleansing you while your vibrations increase as you go into higher dimensions.
  • Waking up in the middle of the night – Your body needing to take a rest from your dreams as there is so much going on in them you need a “time out” to rejuvenate
  • Becoming sensitive to your environment – Not enjoying loud noises, large crowds and for some, TV or certain foods.

Starseeds more than any others on the planet have an inherent soul purpose to be of service in love, light, and truth for the evolution and ascension of Earth. They are here as guides, watchers, builders, and anchors. As a Starseed, you are approaching a time when the blissfulness of your inner states suggests that release is impending. While others around you may not know what is occurring, you will be in the forefront to show others who have not walked this way before how ascension is accomplished.

Are you a Starseed?

Love and Light.

by Ginny Marston Metamissy.com

Find out if you are a starseed person inside indigotest.org