The Indigo Revolution …

Yes indeed, it looks very much like the “Indigo Revolution” that is taking place now in Turkey, will be spreading around the world this summer. But….no need to worry…..the essentials of the Indigo Revolution are Non-Violent Protest, Love and Sharing, Creativity and a New Way of Life. This is what we have been waiting for… expression of the New Human, the Fifth Dimensional Human Angel or Crystalline Being, who thinks Collectively and is “connected” globally. And yes, there will be turmoil as the “Old” way of thinking….dualism and conflict….tries to come to terms with the Rainbow Warriors who think Collectively and who operate from Love and Harmony. There are no “Leaders” to become matyrs and scapegoats, there is simply an idea whose time has come at last!

The authorities may choose to simply ignore these “protests”, as they did with the “Occupy” movement, in the hope that they will “fizzle out” and business can go on as usual. But they have underestimated the power of peaceful reisistance. Think of Gandhi and becoming the change you wish to see! The Occupy movement of 2012 has “birthed” the Indigo Revolution in Turkey, and this is a huge movement that will not be contained in a few parks and squares. Of course, they may be elements that will try to subvert the energy and turn on the violence, but they will not succeed. I know from my friends and contacts in Turkey that even althoug this is not reported in mainstream media, this is a huge movement that is making an impression an all levels of Turkish society. This is a report from Istanbul about the protests in Gezi Park:

“Ever since I’ve lived in Turkey, I always felt that there was a slight heaviness to the people here (whatever that means). Before today, I never could figure out where that feeling came from, but now I know. As I walked through Gezi Park today, where all the protests started, I realized that the feeling of heaviness had completely disappeared. The protesters have transformed the park into one of the most unique places in the world. Children are painting together, some are playing music, others are planting flower gardens, some drawing or doing communal art, some are doing yoga, reading books, making new friends, and everyone is helping out with something.

People have set up booths giving away free food. There are doctors, lawyers, a library, even a vet there to give their services for free. Others are cleaning, some providing electricity, and a company even brought in portable toilets. Many of the businesses are still open, some providing services to the people for free. Other than a few groups using this opportunity to promote their causes, and the many signs of the fight the people had to endure to take back the park, for the most part it is everyday people, doing everyday things. Except that heaviness is gone.

Why? Because everyone is happy, everyone is hopeful, there is no worry, no one needs anything, but everyone wants to give something, people are sharing not only their things, but they are sharing themselves. In a world where people are consumed by technology, their jobs, and buying things, this is just remarkable.

Never in my life have I experienced a community like this, and after seeing the passion and determination of the Turkish people, it doesn’t look like this is going to go away. Of course there is always the threat of another attack by the police, but after seeing what I saw today, I don’t think the police have a chance. Once you feel the energy in Gezi Park, there is no amount of tear gas that can take that away. Although this is far from over, I think this may be what Turkey needed to remove that weight upon their shoulders. And I am proud to be a part of them!”

This is simply an expression of the Collective desire to live differently. Instead of being “herded” into Shopping Malls to support the Engine of Consumerism in Istanbul, and believe me its going pretty much better there than many other places right now, these people have chosen to make a statement for another way of life. Sharing, Collective support, Peace and Creativity and a sense of Fun and Humor…..the Indigo Revolution.

So, why will it spread rapidly? Because the World is ready for another way of Life and another way of doing things…peacefully and with creativity, fun and humor. Enough with the Gloom and Doom, the Apocalyse and all that misery inherited from Atlantis. The Indigos and Crystals are here and they are reclaiming our Earth and their Future! It would be a smart move to take notice.

It all began with the desire to protect the environment and nature, Gezi Park, in Istranbul. Unlike the Occupy Movement where the issue was money and the gap between the rich and the poor, in Istanbul it was the environment and the desire to protect what little green space was still left ion the city. And, when one considers how this “green space” has been transformed into a “Community Center” with a very different focus from the business and economic focus of the rest of Istanbul, it is evident why green spaces are important. And, part of the use of this green space has been for Creative events, Concerts and other creative manifestations of the Human Spirit. Continue reading

Why People Are Called Indigo?

Indigo children and indigo adults are people completely normal who look normal, but they are known to possess extraordinary traits and spiritual capabilities. Such individuals have a deeper connection with other people and the natural surroundings. They are called so because of the indigo aura color, which is one of their unique traits.

Nancy Ann Tappe, a popular psychic was the first to write about these special indigo people in her book “Understanding Your Life through Color”. She mentioned in her book that a great number of indigo children were born in the recent times, and this is an indication about a kind of revolutionary change in human species.

What’s important is that this is a very positive and advantageous change. Indigo aura color has a huge significance in the personality of these people. You will not be able to tell an indigo child when they are playing with other kids, but if you look at their face you can see a special energy.

Indigo children retain these traits even as they grow up to become adults. The indigo people are known to have higher and much developed consciousnesses, and their objective is to restore peace in this corrupt and war-ridden world. They aim to bring back the calm and prosperity in today’s world that is fighting with ecological issues.

No wonder the indigo people are the next step in the evolution of the species. Experts believe that such people are here to show us the way and slowly help us in the transition to the next stage of evolution and growth.

Indigo people have been incarnating on this planet since the last century. It is believed that a significant number of such individuals were born after the World War II. It is also believed that a large number of indigo children were born during the 1970s; hence we have a lot of indigos around us today who are in their late 30s or 40s and hopefully they will go on to become the leaders of the world.

There are basically two groups of indigo people around us. First, the ones who were born as indigos and are now making the spiritual transition to Crystal. Second group are those who are born without these traits and they slowly acquire them as they grow up through their spiritual commitment and dedication. Hence, this implies all of us have the potential to become a part of the group of human angels with our hard work and commitment.